英国新概念交易所VUCA Board

在英国新概念交易所VUCA Board上市的优势
2) 英国公司股权登记平台:
VUCA 的股票匹配与英国中央档案部股票登记处直接链接,实时更新可见。
The UK company equity registration platform: VUCA’s stock matching is directly linked to the central registry of archival records, with live updates available.
3) 严格受到英国金融行为监管局监管:
英国金融行为监管局登记监管授权的股份匹配平台;等同国内新三板以及美国 OTC 市场。
Strictly regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority(FCA): the financial conduct authority registers the share matching platform authorised by the authority; Equivalent to the New Third board in China and the OTC market in the United States.
在英国 VUCA 股票交易平台上市的优势之一是不需要从国内调配资金到海外,这对企业有极大的吸引力。
One of the advantages of a VUCA listing in the UK is that there is no need to move money from home to abroad, which is a big draw for companies.
5) 实现全球自由交易:
成为 VUCA 交易平台会员后,便可以实现资本流动全球化。
After becoming a member of VUCA trading platform, you can achieve the globalisation of capital flow.